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April 2023 Newsletter

Lori Barbe

For God So Loved the World that He Sent His Only Son John 3:16

APRIL DATES: Tuition Due – Last payment if you started in August 5 W Classroom Easter Egg Hunts – DuBord, Hall, Snyder 6 TH Classroom Easter Egg Hunts – Huard, Garber 7 F Good Friday - NO SCHOOL 10 M Easter Holiday - NO SCHOOL 19 W *Spring Crafting at Las Fuentes– Miss Hall’s Class 27 TH *Lunch @ the Library! 2 day and Pre K classes – NO LUNCH BUNCH *Watch for more information in your parent folders EASTER

We will talk about Easter in many different ways through stories, crafts and chapel times. We will also take a field trip to Las Fuentes Park and hunt for eggs. Each teacher will need a few parent helpers, watch for a permission slip so you can sign up with your child’s teacher.

We would LOVE donations of wrapped candy that will fit in plastic eggs and helpers to stuff eggs for this hunt. Please see display at sign in area and help us “EMPTY THE BASKET"! Drop off any donations by March 30 so that we have time to stuff the eggs. THANK YOU!! CATERPILLARS: Caterpillars arrive this month!

Each class will have the opportunity to watch the larvae grow into big, fat caterpillars and emerge as painted lady butterflies.

This is an exciting science lesson for our students.

RAISING A READER - LUNCH AT THE LIBRARY! Thursday, April 27 at 12 noon, 2 day and Pre K families meet us at the library for a picnic lunch, library tour and story time with your child’s very own library card!

MAY Save the Dates! Please mark your calendars for our MAY activities

11 Mother’s Day Tea – 2 day classes and Pre K classes 10:30 am

12 Mother’s Day Tea – 3 day classes 10:30 am

*19 Preschool Graduation – All graduates and their families 10:30 am

21 ALS kids sing at American Lutheran church service 10:00 am

*25 Last Day of school!

*NO LUNCH BUNCH on these dates



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