1 Tuition Due
1-5 Read Across America Week
15-19 Spring Break – NO SCHOOL
22-26 Nursery Rhyme Theater Week
31 & 4/1 Easter Egg Hunts
March 1-5 is Read Across America Week in conjunction with Dr. Seuss' Birthday. We will have a special visit and story time from the Cat in the Hat!
Nursery Rhyme Time! We can’t wait for you to see our Nursery Rhyme Theater. Come see your child’s class perform in our grass area 11:15 – 11:30 am as follows: Mon 3/22 Huard Tue 3/23 DuBord Wed 3/24 Perlak Thurs 3/25 Garber Fri 3/26 Snyder
We will talk about Easter in many different ways through stories, crafts and chapel times. We will also take a field trip to Las Fuentes Park and hunt for eggs. Each teacher will need a few parent helpers, watch for a permission slip so you can sign up with your child’s teacher.
We would LOVE donations of wrapped candy that will fit in plastic eggs for this hunt. Please see display at sign in area and help us 'EMPTY THE BASKET"! Drop off any donations by March 22 so that we have time to stuff the eggs. THANK YOU!!